How it all started

 Maybe I'm related to Bob Dylan. I just found this out today. A fun fact after almost 7 years of identity confusion caused by a 100 dollar dna test.

I got my dna profile from Ancestry. I had been writing about genealogy for a few years and I had started an Ancestry account, calling myself dotquebecyorkshire. My mom was French Canadian, you see, my father, although born in Malaya, a Yorkshire (and Durham and Northumberland) lad.

I was curious about my roots, like most older folk, and started to investigate and write about them. My grandmother's side was a no-brainer, but my father's side, well, as a child of the Raj (as they say) he didn't know that much about his roots.

It didn't take me long, with the help of the British census. On my father's side, I was descended from Border Rievers, those ruffians on horseback guarding the Scottish English border throughout the middle ages and beyond. On both sides.

Funny, I wrote on one of my former blog posts. "I don't feel North of England. I feel more of a Mediterranean type." Very prophetic. Or not.

I have an adopted cousin who waited until her adoptive mother died to do her dna. She posted her results on Facebook. I decided to do my Dna. January 2017. Well, an awful lot has passed since then. I guess you can say it changed my life, or changed how I saw my life, more aptly.

But it's such a long story....and I haven't figured out the ending yet.
